So there it is folks. The best there is according to the Loondaddy. There are a few Honorable Mentions that should be 'mentioned' (ha, that rhymes):- The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiasi
- Harley Race
- Brett Hart
- Rowdy Roddy Pipper
- Jerry The King Lawler
- Chris Benoit
- Arn Anderson
- Chris Jericho
Now for a little dispute I have with Papa T. Ric Flair did 'borrow' somebody else's nickname. But it wasn't Nature Boy Kirby, it was Nature Boy Buddy Rogers. I did recognize Baron Von Raske. And as you can tell from my list one of the absolute all time greats in the wrestling business The King Harley Race. All of the guys you listed were local Mid South guys that wrestled for Harley Race.
As for Tysons list, I dug his top 4 and I can see Jericho making a top 10 list, but the rest come on. Up till about a year ago I would have probably put Goldberg on my list. What he did in WCW was awesome and I totally was into it. But since his very short stint in the WWE and his relatively short career I just don't think he is even in a top 25 anymore. But there is always the future and maybe he will make it back up on my list, cause he has amazing ability. But Randy Orton, the kid has only been wrestling for a couple of years and still hasn't shown he could carry the belt. They took it from him in a matter of months. Kevin Nash just hasn't had the career that he could have, because of injuries and going to WCW. Booker T showed his worth when he went to the WWE and has barely carried the US Title and he was the '5 time' WCW champion. Come on, seriously. Rey Mysterio is the sad one out of all of your pics. I have to admit that is a great pic. I still don't think he is top 10 of all time but he unfortunately will never be a Heavy Weight Champ. Just the Nature of the Beast.
Let the Controversy Begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zeta Pi Never Die!!!!!!!!!