Friday, December 17, 2004

Sopranos, Sopranos

Thats right, I've started the second season of the Sopranos. I've got 2 episodes left and I'm in deep. I love this stuff. I could watch them all day long. The strip club motiff has layed off this season, but they are still there.
Well I survived the Anatomy final and probably didn't pull that A. It makes me wonder why I even tried. I could have winged it and kept that stupid B. And then I go and find out that I made a B in Health and P.E. for the Young Child. I love Dr. Mac, she is great. But sometimes I have no idea what is test material and what is not. And then she presents stuff totally different than it is worded on the tests. I mean I'm not gonna argue with the grade, I deserve what I got, but it would be nice to know what to study. So my only hope for an A this semester is in Exceptional Child. So stay tuned for that drama, I will throw an all out step child hissy fit if I don't make an A in that class!!!!!!!
I'm getting hit in all directions today. I was gonna take 2 J-Term classes and then I found out today that the 8 o'clock class was moved to 10. So now I am scheduled to take 2 classes at 10 o'clock and they were not even gonna tell me! I just happened to stumble across it when I was checking my grades. Hell, even the academic center didn't even know it had happened. So know I've got to decide what class I want to take and if I want to take something else. These were 2 classes that I seriously needed to get out of the way. Well I'm gonna get back to the Saprano's.

1 comment:

Trevor said...

Nope, not a Truck. Try again.