Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Its Been Awhile

Well I guess I could start posting every once in awhile. Life's been crazy. School has gotten way out of hand. And I just got through battling my worst case of poison ivy in like 10 years. And for those of you not in the know, I'm highly allergic. So I have been out of commission for the past week and a half. And now school is really out of hand. So that is my life in a nut shell. The abridged version.


Anonymous said...

Its great when everything is normal. Pap T

Matt said...

to bad hectic is normal.

Anonymous said...

So Loonpop, whadya think of the HBK Hogan team at the pay per view? PapaT

Matt said...

Sounds cool and all, but I hate watching hogan wrestle. i know you and everybody else thinks flair should give it up. but i would watch him any day over watching hogan stumble around the ring like he has a bad acase of athritis all over. but i'm down with watching hbk any time i can.

Anonymous said...

Flair still does move good for his age. Just needs to keep his shirt on. Papa T